Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In what ways did World War II end the problems of World War I Essay

In the days prior to World War Two, the First World War was referred to as â€Å"the War to end all Wars†. (Devine, 14) Despite this name, only twenty-odd years had passed before the nations of the world once again engaged in armed conflict. The treaty of Versailles and the conditions in Europe precipitated a second large-scale conflict in Europe. (Devine, 16) The conclusion of WWII ended the problems that derived from WWI by ending the Fascist dictatorships of Europe, ending European and Asian imperialism, and shifting military power out of Europe. The Treaty of Versailles created tremendous pressure on Germany, Austria-Hungary, and other nations who bore the blame for the conflict. (Morgan, 18) The economic depression in these nations that resulted from their attempts to pay reparations led to a political climate ripe for the rise of Fascism. (Morgan, 27) The people of nations such as Italy, Germany and Spain were willing to embrace this hyper-nationalist form of government, giving up their freedoms in exchange for the promise of better economic conditions and a return of their respective nations to international prominence. Morgan, 30) The rise of hyper-nationalism in Fascist Germany and Italy was one of the precipitating causes of the Second World War in Europe. Hitler’s Germany began to militarize and â€Å"reclaim† areas of Europe that Hitler declared to be part of the rightful German empire. (Morgan, 108) These regions included all of Austria, and part of the nation of Czechoslovakia, referred to by Hitler a s the Sudetenland (southland). When Germany invaded Poland to return the land to Germany, France and Britain declared war. The results of WWII ended the reign of fascism in Europe. ( Morgan, 117) The personalities around whom the fascist governments were built, Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy, were killed in the war effort, and their philosophies discredited when the atrocities they committed became public knowledge. (Morgan, 197) Of the Fascists of Europe, only Francisco Franco of Spain, which had remained neutral in the war, survived. (Morgan, 201) After WWII, Germany was divided into a Soviet-controlled Eastern half, and a Republican western half. Nationalist efforts were turned to reunification, rather than conquest. (Morgan, 203) The destruction of the German War machine was absolute, eliminating them as a future threat to stability in Europe. (Morgan, 205) Italy and Japan were similarly disarmed at the conclusion of WWII, making future threats to world stability from these powers unlikely in the extreme. (Morgan, 206) The end of WWII also marked the end of the naked Imperialism that characterized all the major European nations since WWI. Betts, 113) Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other nations granted independence, or protectorate status to their imperial holdings, making self-sovereignty the â€Å"new† goal of international foreign policy. (Betts, 127) Japan was forced to give up the Pacific Islands they had occupied, and withdraw their invasion of China. (Betts, 128) Germany similarly ceded their occupied territories and permitted free choice for the subsequent governments. Betts, 133) One of the world powers that emerged from WWII, the United States, embraced self-determination as the ideal for nations of the world, and began to fight against efforts to engage in imperialist activities on the parts of other nations. (Betts, 144) The conclusion of WWII marked a shift in the dynamic of world conflict. (Levering, 18) During WWI and WWII, dominance on the seas determined a large part of military control. After WWII, nations who had access to weapons of mass destruction became the powers of the World. Levering, 22) For the first time in modern history, the central conflict of the world was not between Britain and Germany or France, but between the United States and the Soviet Union. European powers became pawns in a worldwide power struggle between opposing ideologies. (Levering, 27) The United States used war reconstruction money as a lure to the nations of Europe to shun Communism in favor of republican government. (Levering, 34) After WWII, armed conflict was limited to third-party wars w here one side or the other effectively acted as a proxy for one of the Superpowers. Levering, 46) This was managed to avoid direct conflict between the Superpowers, which could have led to destruction of the entire world through nuclear annihilation. (Levering, 55) As a result, dozens of minor conflicts and a handful of major wars were fought after WWII by indigenous people with military and economic support from the USSR and the United States. (Levering, 58) This scenario played out in countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Afghanistan, and many others. (Levering, 75) It is clear that the effects of WWII resolved many of the issues that resulted from WWI. WWII ended European Fascism, eliminated European and Asian imperialism, and permanently shifted the balance of World Power away from Europe. The Treaty of Versailles produced conditions in Europe that made Fascism an attractive and popular option, which played a great role in precipitating WWII. As a result of the unresolved issues of WWI, WWII became the latest â€Å"war to end all wars†. It is hoped by the nations of the world that conflict on the scale of WWII never be repeated in the history of mankind.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Examine Freud’s View of Religious Belief. Essay

Sigmund Freud was born in 1856; he lived most of his life in Vienna. His family were Jewish so was brought in a religious faith. Freud fled the Nazi’s in London then died the following year on the 23rd of September 1939. He was an atheist. He saw himself as â€Å"The Godless Jew†. He rejected both America and Religion. Freud had a Neurotic and obsessional character. Freud’s view on religious belief was a form of neurotic illness. Freud believed that religious activities bear a striking resemblance to the activities of a neurotic person. Neurotic conditions such as OCD repeat actions which. Primal Horde Theory, Freud’s principle contribution was the idea of the murder of the primitive horde â€Å"one day, the brothers who have been driven out, came together killed and devoured their father and so made an end to the patriarchal horde. The leader was killed out of jealously, as he was taking all the women. In guilt for the murder of their father figure they put up a Totem, symbol or animal which is believed that their spirit is inside in place of their father figure. Guilt was eventually paid of by praying or sacrificing to them Totem. Over millions of years the Totem becomes God, guilt then passed. The Totem is seen as sacred and must be protected. After a year the animal believed to be the Totem could be killed then eaten. The Oedipus complex, Freud believed that everyone suffered a dramatic trauma which was the Oedipus complex. This is when a boy at the age of six would have sexual desires for his mother and wants to kill his father, in jealousy. The suckling child was used to having its mother’s attention, where the libido is transferred

Monday, July 29, 2019

Anxiety and anti-anxiety drugs

Anxiety and anti-anxiety drugs In order to understand what exactly anti-anxiety drugs are, and their uses, we need to know what is anxiety and anxiety disorders are. Anxiety includes in a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times in their life. The word anxiety is a ‘Latin’ word. People when face a problem like before taking a test, or making an important decision, they show anxiety or nervousness. It is a normal reaction against stressful conditions. Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling of dread, which does not control easily. People experience anxiety in three ways: 1. generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 2. panic attacks 3. phobias GAD: People with GAD show worrying, nervousness and tension. This is towards any particular situation but is connected to your whole life. Panic attacks: These are the extreme attacks of anxiety that comes in an unpredictable way and last for 10minutes.people going through these attacks having difficulty in breathing and behave in an uncontrolled way. Phobias: These are the feeling of fear towards a current particular situation or thing. Although the situation or that thing is not dangerous to them but they behave so anxiously and nervously about that. It may include social phobia-fear to go on social events or to meet people, animal phobia-fear from animals etc. There is difference between anxiety and fear. They are actually are two common and a different phenomenon that are misunderstood as same thing. Fear is a feeling of uneasiness and being threaten on current situation, but on the other hand Anxiety leads towards feeling of threat, intense nervousness, and uneasiness for future situations. Anxiety and fear are not always harmful but in some situations they are quite healthy, beneficial and necessary for our survival. Anxiety disorder is different. They can cause such distress that it interferes with a person’s ability to lead a normal life. An anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness. For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling. Anxiety disorders can be defined as, ‘Constant feeling of threat for future events when there is no need to feel threaten that ultimately make you unable and incapable for normal functioning.’ Severe anxiety that lasts up to six months is considered as abnormality and thus categorized as Anxiety disorder. Anxiety becomes a disorder when the symptoms become chronic and interfere with our daily lives and our ability to function. The reason behind this could be the family history of that person or gene or it could be certain trauma from which that person is suffering. For e.g., it is seen in many people with depression have panic attacks at some point. Some people who are anxious have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD. Anxiety is not always distressful but it can help you stay alert and focused, spur you to action, and motivate you to solve problems. But when anxiety is constant or overwhelming, when it interferes with your relationships and activities, it stops being functional’that’s when you’ve crossed the line from normal, productive anxiety into the territory of anxiety disorders. In addition, studies have shown that anxiety disorders run in families, which means that they can at least partly be inherited from one or both parents, like the risk for heart disease or cancer. Moreover, certain environmental factors such as a trauma or significant event may trigger an anxiety disorder in people who have an inherited susceptibility to developing the disorder. ANTI ANXIETY DRUGS: Anti-anxiety drugs are the set of medications that are made to treat anxiety disorder and relieve the patient from the feelings of tension, nervousness and discomfort by regulating heart rate and normalize breathing. When a person is suffering from anxiety disorder, Anti-anxiety drugs are recommended, but these drugs should be taken under the administration of doctor, because they have serious side effects which cannot be ignored. If symptoms of an anxiety disorder are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by asking you questions about your medical history and performing a physical exam. Although there are no lab tests to specifically diagnose anxiety disorders, the doctor may use various tests to look for physical illness as the cause of the symptoms. If no physical illness is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or another mental health professional that is specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a person for an anxiety disorder. Anti-Anxiety Drugs include: – Benzodiazepines (BZDs): diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Oxazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Clonazepam, Flurazepam. – Azapirones: Buspione, Gepirone, Ispapirone. – Sedative: Hydroxyzine. – Barbiturates: Amobarbital, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital, Thiopental. – Beta blocker: Propranolol. – Antidepressants. These medicines are helpful in reducing the symptoms of anxiety disorders include anti-depressants and anxiety-reducing drugs. Like, In panic attacks: it helps in to enhance the patient motivation and accelerate progress toward facing panic and all of its repercussions. Those drugs which are helpful in these area must be helpful in one of the two stages of panic. The first stage is anticipatory anxiety: all the uncomfortable physical symptoms and negative thoughts that rise up as you anticipate facing panic. The second stage is the symptoms of the panic attack itself. In general anxiety: medications help reduce some of the symptoms of anxiety. In phobias: medications can help to reduce the tensions associated with entering the fearful situation. Certain therapies are also used to treat anxiety disorder like: Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) addresses the emotional response to mental illness. It is a process in which trained mental health professionals help people by talking through strategies for understanding and dealing with their disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This is a particular type of psychotherapy in which the person learns to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that lead to troublesome feelings. Dietary and lifestyle changes And Relaxation therapy. †¦

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary Essay - 1

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary - Essay Example However, one of the art directors was not amused with some of the artworks (Akinsha & Alisa 1). The depiction of President Viktor Yanukovych as an avenger and the overall reflection of the vicious peasant uprising of the 18th century were not welcome amongst conservatives in the Ukrainian art world. Another artist corrected foresaw the impending unrest before it happened. Tsagolov’s The Ghost of Revolution explored the struggles between protesters and police while supported by Mykola Ridnyi. Ridnyi displayed police boots roughly sculpted at the PinchkArtCenter and joined other painters in Maidan or Independence Square for street protest. Other anarchist-artists such as Mann and Ivan used rough walls to draw the image of a famous Ukrainian anarchist leader called Nestor Makhno to inspire protests to continue the demonstrations. However, other artists played safe such as Khomenko of the R.E.P group that drew conventional pencil portraits before giving them away. Performances such as the one titled The Kingdom of Darkness is Surrendered that used mirrors compelled police to view at their own reflections (Akinsha & Alisa

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Topic below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Topic below - Essay Example In the words of Joyce Carol Oates as quoted by Ronald Sharp:† Everyone knows about love. Romantic love, married love, adulterous love: happy love affairs, unhappy ones. Everyone knows about love, no one knows about friendship†. (1) It is interesting to note that loneliness being one of the hallmarks of modern living, many modern great writers and photospheres have not given serious thought to friendship in their writings. Why is friendship such unimportant subject in modern fiction, poetry and essay? Recent writing has largely ignored friendship. In contrast classical writers engaged in open discussion on the subject of friendship and made subtle distinctions on the varieties available and treated also the opposite of friendship, namely enmity, in their writings. Montaigne makes a clear distinction between friendships. In his thinking there are levels of friendships. He uses the technique of contrast to present sharply his idea of true friendship. There are imperfect friendships, which he calls â€Å"fellowships†. Borrowing an image from painting Montaigne labors at length to project the true beauty of friendship, which stands clearly demarked among images of the â€Å"grotesque†. Montaignes famous essay "On Friendship" (1580) is a true source book on the idea of friendship. The essay cites Aristotle, Cicero, Horace, Catullus, and Plutarch. Though the essay concerns about his friendship with a young Huguenot, Estienne de la Boetie, the essay is surprising in its modernity, especially its relevance to contemporary moral issues. Is the argument of Montaigne on friendship in essential accord with Aristotle, or is there something new? According to Aristotle the highest act of friendship is not just the friends themselves, but in their direct relation to truth. We are quick to notice the similarity between the thinking of Aristotle and that of Montaigne.But this similarity we feel is somewhat deceptive. While Montaigne gives the name of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Environmental Challenges, Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper

Environmental Challenges, Solutions and Recommendations - Research Paper Example Major Issues and Challenges in the Environmental Portfolio All around Australia, different states are experiencing problems regarding the management of the environment. This section will analyze the environmental challenges and their impact on the country. Water pollution The most common environmental problem in Australia is the issue of water pollution (Reisser & Pattiaratchi, 2013). There is widespread pollution in rivers, water bodies and in the oceanic waters surrounding the country. Water pollution is especially widespread in cities neighbouring the sea. The Australian coastline is polluted by wastes such as plastics and wastes from industries. It is estimated that every square kilometer of the country’s sea area contains over 4,000 pieces of plastic waste (Reisser & Pattiaratchi, 2013). The plastics drain into the sea from inland waters that flow through residential areas and flow into the sea. Industries have contributed to water pollution by dumping industrial waste into the sea or rivers. Stormwater contributes to pollution by draining harmful substances from the land and into the sea (OEH, 2015). Spillages from sewage drainage systems and waste treatment plants end up in water bodies resulting in further pollution. Oil spillages may b e infrequent but they still contribute to water pollution. Water pollution has led to a deterioration of the marine ecosystem leading to the reduction in the population of aquatic organisms (Forstner & Wittmann, 2012, pp.91-93).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Identifying Your Intent unit 3 IP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identifying Your Intent unit 3 IP - Essay Example The guests will be most interested in knowing what I have planned to do with the money I need as loan, they will be interested in the new strategy I have set to offer to obtain many scholars, the course am offering, the number of staff I will be needing and also the where am planning to locate the offices. I therefore would like to present to them the best ever with clear ideas, logical sequences of the ideas and to make them concentrate with what I have to say. I am planning on presenting to them a good presentation that will persuade them and also convince them of my capability. I also want you to assist me in choosing what to wear on that day, how I should talk, and what to do if a question is raised and am not in a position to answer, I therefore desperately need you to address these issues and communicate as soon as possible. After the presentation I expect the audience to congratulate me for the great plan I have for the next generations to come and offer me the loan without hesitating, I therefore look forward for your assistance in preparation of this presentation, I will appreciate your assistance that will play a major role in determining the outcome of my request for the loan, I look forward to hear from you soon.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Metrics Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Metrics Plan - Case Study Example Therefore, the metric is based on % completion. A practice whose percentage completion falls below 70% is considered non compliant, that which falls between 71% - 95% is considered degraded and that above 95% compliant. With the overall practice compliance of 37.79%, the 11th Marine Regiment is considered non compliant in conducting EMS practices. Out of the 8 practices, none was compliant, meaning the scores were below 95%. However, there was 100% compliance in the training of some course such as spill abatement and EMS training. TNA describes procedures for identifying abilities, skills and knowledge necessary to achieve desired performance requirements which is keeping the environment safe (Jean, 2006). There are three elements to the TNA; Demographic Information, Installation Environmental Characteristics, and Quantified Environmental Training Requirements. For the purposes of this Metrics Plan, the Quantified Environmental Training Requirements were used to collect and analyze data. The TNA was used to identify what practices are performed, their location, number of personnel requiring training, and what training is required to enable personnel to perform their activity in an environmentally safe manner. Maintaining environmental compliance is everyone’s responsibility. While working aboard Camp Pendleton, you are required to know and understand how EMS practices impact your work activities and the environment. Environmental compliance means performing all your work tasks in a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner that will protect and prevent harm to human health, natural resources, and the environment. This Metric Plan will help you develop the skills you need to maintain an environmentally friendly work environment and to complete your work tasks in accordance with your installations environmental policy. To fulfill the training requirements of the 8 explicit environmental

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project management for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Project management for business - Essay Example The success of the project was also underpinned by building effective control systems which included email, shared servers and interfaces that facilitated better discourse between project members. Such systems also created opportunities for routine data collection and analysis, further underpinning success in decision-making in terms of cost control and resource allocation. Planning and monitoring as strategies of Arup were the most instrumental in ensuring that the project achieved its objectives, which is supported by best practice literature in project management. This report highlights how planning and development of monitoring and control systems best served meeting budgetary and timeline expectations for closure of the Water Cube project. In preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Arup Project Management was heavily involved in the construction and design of the Water Cube Aquatic Centre, a highly successful project. What made this project so significantly triumphant was proper planning and establishment of relevant monitoring and control systems. Outside of the physical and functional features of the Water Cube, in relation to architectural design, Arup’s involvement in planning the proper team, developing effective organisational hierarchies, and ensuring that project outcomes were achieved underpinned Arup’s success in this project. This report evaluates why Arup’s planning, monitoring and control systems contributed to achieving successful project objectives. The Water Cube Project entailed construction of a revolutionary aquatic centre in Beijing which would facilitate aquatic competitions for the Games. The centre was to be constructed to sustain a competition pool, a warm-up pool for competitors, and a relevant diving pool. For the purpose of the Games, the centre was to be constructed with 17,000 spectator seats and, after the Games, be reduced

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders Essay - 7

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders and stakeholders with useful information on corporate soci - Essay Example The gaining momentum of CSR activities is evident from the fact that many mergers and acquisition dealings are also viewing investments in such activities as a factor for consideration prior to finalising the deal. Despite such growth in the value of CSR activities, the question as to why managers find it important to undertake these activities and whether there is any need for engaging in these activities apart from maintain good public image (Font et al., 2012). There are multitude of problems in the business world which include accounting frauds and corporate irregularities and graver concerns like environmental issues and social obligations. In this regard, the paper discusses the importance of engagement of companies in a socially responsible behaviour and also illustrates reasons behind non engagement of few organizations in the same. The paper discusses evidence of non compliance and lack of belief in CSR initiative in firms and concludes in discussion of relevance of such CSR initiatives in today’s world. Importance of Engaging in a Socially Responsible Behaviour CSR reporting that are now being mandated in firms by various controlling bodies are an attempt to legalise the concerns business activity while making it comply with various environmental, social and ethical issues. It is argued that voluntary as well as compulsory CSR reporting ensures competitive advantage of firms over those who do not engage in CSR reporting (Mahoney et al., 2013). The melamine contamination case of China was a shock for the entire world. It highlighted the need for investors to respond to a corporate social responsibility of companies towards its consumers. It is argued that a firm’s financial performance has direct bearing with consumer buying and selling activities and such immoral behaviours drop sales by drastic measures. In the similar way, the case of Coca Cola and Cadbury contamination brought forth an alarming situation of quality standards and norms that were practiced within the company. These events tarnished the brand name to such large extent that it required years to gain back reputation and hence sales. Hence it is critical to understand the direct linkage between CSR performance and financial results (Kong, 2012). The importance of engaging in CSR activities can also be studied in light of most important financial decisions like a merger and how it impacts the decision and impact on shareholders during such events (Deng, Kang & Low, 2013). In support of shareholder’s value maximisation in engaging in a merger, the role of CSR activity has been explained as a trust building action among the stakeholders (Jo & Harjoto, 2011). This argument thus establishes that high socially responsible firms have greater support of shareholders and stakeholders which in turn contribute towards firm profitability and long term efficiency in contrast to firms that maintain somewhat weak socially responsible image (Jensen, 2001). Evi dence of dismissal of view of CSR Corporate governance requires that companies make their activities more transparent, their activities more accountable and their business more socially responsibly. It is argued that companies engage in business ethics, corporate governance and social responsibility merely to gain legitimacy in business activities and they do not really care about what possible impacts these could have on their business activity (Brennan & Merkl-Davies, 2013). According to views of Milton Friedman, social

Exploring the Generational Differences using an Objective Positivistic Approach Essay Example for Free

Exploring the Generational Differences using an Objective Positivistic Approach Essay Abstract There is a significant number of the population in the UK at the present time who are women of the Muslim faith who chose to wear headscarves or hijabs. There is however a relatively poor understanding of how the general non-Muslim public views this practice, even though there have been suggestions that people find it discomforting and consider it oppressive to women. This study used a quantitative, positivistic approach to collect and analyse data to determine whether there were generational differences in the attitude towards women wearing hijabs. The study collected data from 86 participants in the Roehampton area, who completed a questionnaire on attitudes and an F-scale test which gave information on their personality type. The study showed through ANOVA that there was no association between age and attitude towards hijabs, although there was an association between having been to university and having a more positive attitude. The study also showed through regression analysis that personality was strongly linked to attitudes towards women wearing hijabs. Opinions on People using Headscarves—Exploring the Generational Differences using an Objective Positivistic Approach There is not a study available that represents authoritarian personalities and the negative or discriminatory viewpoints against the wearing of the hijab. However, Vyas (2008) shows that Muslim women in the USA stopped wearing headscarves for fear of violent discrimination and for their personal safety, as they struggled to live between their traditional Muslim culture and the American culture, especially in gender roles at American schools. Similarly, African Muslim women struggle with education and gender roles, especially in finding personal independence and leadership as Muslim women who wear the headscarves (Shirin 2008). In Africa, feminist teachings state that Islam and female leadership roles are not compatible, and that the wearing of the hijab restricts women into lowered roles (Shirin 2008). However, African Muslim women refuse to stop wearing the hijab even though it brings about cultural discomfort for non-Islam feminists, which shows that the hijab wearers are able to have female leadership roles and individual identities even when authoritarian figures such as teachers request that they not wear the hijab (Shirin 2008). In the education context, young girls in France and Canada are asked not to wear the hijab, as it impacts the education of people around them, where non-Muslim educational facilities are often prompted by non-Muslim governments or academic councils to refuse to allow the wearing of the hijab (Ruitenberg 2008). This authoritarian approach limits social norms and hinders the abilities of Muslim girls and women as students in an educational facility to have the same human rights in self expression (Ruitenberg 2008). Therefore, there may be a large amount of discrimination against the hijab in educational and academic facilities; however this cannot be substantiated by literature as it has not been addressed in its entirety. Adorno et al. (1950) researched and constructed a scale—a list of authoritarian attitudes soliciting expressions of agreement or disagreement with 29 broadly phrased assertions (Johansson 1986)—that these four Jewish scholars administered to a wide variety of population samples in hopes to explain the rise of German Nazism. They found that those who scored high on this scale, who were shown to endorse most items on the list, tended to be sympathetic to the political Right and in fact showed pre-fascist personalities (Adorno et al. 1950). Love of authority was fascist, not love of liberty; and, Adorno et al. (1950) showed that authoritarian personalities were in important senses pathological. Adorno et al. (1950) also reported for the authoritarian personality to accept middle-class conventionality because it enjoys widespread acceptance and support, but has not internalised the meaning of the accompanying social norms; is hostile and aggressive toward outsider groups, especially ethnic minorities and relatively powerless, marginalised deviant groups; and glorifies its own authority figures (Johansson 1986). This is a clash of authoritarian representatives as governments and those individuals within cultures, where the Islamic headscarf issue in nations such as Turkey and France is more than an expression of religion, but a clash of cultural contexts and meanings, where the dominant culture either restricts (France) or forces (Turkey) the wearing of the hijab (Ulusoy 2007). Feminist theory argues that women should not be defined by the marginal cultural positions they are given in societies, but by understandings about their contradictions between who women are and how the dominant culture defines them (Droogsma 2007). The majority of Americans, for example, believe that the hijab is a symbol of oppression, but Muslim women identify they hijab as a necessary component of their womanhood (Droogsma 2007). Muslim women living in America identify the hijab as being unique to their culture, and helping them fill their feminine roles, not as sexual objects, but as women with freedoms and expressions that are not controlled by the dominant American culture (Droogsma 2007). In each culture that Muslim women are a part of, but not the dominant culture, there is a psychological tendency towards freeing Muslim women from the hijab. However, Muslim women associate their hijab with freedom of expression and religion. In authoritarian Islamic nations, such as Turkey, the hijab is a norm and penalties may exist if it is not worn. In countries not traditionally authoritarian, like France and Canada, the hijab is not the socio-cultural norm and penalties may exist if it is worn. So, there may be a very high amount of prejudice and stereotyping against women and the hijab, especially as it pertains to ‘freeing’ women from the ‘oppression’ that non-Muslim cultures feel that Muslim women are forced to live beneath. As the wearing of the hijab might be associated with oppression and meekness—in contrast to the authoritarian personality—and is relatively new and unfamiliar in the British culture, there might be a possible correlation of an authoritarian’s psychological thinking towards wearing of the hijab as we might expect authoritarian individuals to have negative attitudes towards wearing it. Also, as younger people are more familiar with the hijab because they have been brought up in a society where the hijab is more common, they may have a more positive attitude toward it. Nowadays, people have more opportunities to obtain education; the question is, if there is a difference in opinions among age groups and educated people towards the wearing of the hijab? Review of literature have not yet ventured into these aspects, therefore, this research aims to investigate on three major ideas of people’s opinions, negative or positive, and generational differences of people using headscarves or hijab, specifically dealing with: (a) authoritarian personality, (b) age, and (c) education. This study will be a quantitative assessment of the relationship between authoritarian and generational differences on women using headscarves or hijab. The setting of the study is only limited to participants around the Roehampton University area instructing them to answer the study’s questionnaire. The research hypothesis is that there is a significant correlation of an observer’s personality, age, education and their opinions towards people wearing the headscarf or hijab; and, upon the emergence of authoritarian participants, that there is a significant correlation of an authoritarian’s psychological thinking towards wearing of the headscarf or hijab.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Most Important Theme of The Joy Luck Club Essay Example for Free

The Most Important Theme of The Joy Luck Club Essay Throughout The Joy Luck Club, one of the most frequently displayed themes is that concepts from one culture can be misconstrued to mean something different in other cultures, leading to misunderstanding and lack of communication between the native born Chinese mothers and their fully Americanized daughters. This is the most important theme because disagreements and differences between the mothers and daughters in this story often take place because they are unable to communicate with each other. Differences in culture cause the daughters to think that their mothers are unintelligent because of their of incorrect English, while the mothers grow impatient with their daughters who fail to understand Chinese subtleties. To an American, these subtleties are nearly impossible to understand due to the perspectives and ways of thinking of an American person, which are different to those of a Chinese person. Also, actions in China are often taken differently than in America. For example, when Waverly’s mother Lindo bragged about her daughter’s success, kids in China would accept this, while kids in America usually become annoyed because American children like Waverly, they want to have the glory all to themselves. Also in China, children are encouraged and sometimes even forced to pursue one area and be exceptional at it while in America, kids are encouraged to have multiple skills and to be good in many areas. In June’s situation, her mother wanted her to become the best in one area instead of allowing June to discover her own interests and to have a more balanced lifestyle.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Negative Impacts Of Cell Phones English Language Essay

The Negative Impacts Of Cell Phones English Language Essay I drive with my knees. Otherwise, how can I put on my lipstick and talk on my phone? Sharon Stone. In 1973, the first cell phone was demonstrated by Martin Cooper in the United States of America. By the mid of 2009, the cell phone usage exploited to almost all-around the world. Today, mobile phone is a necessary device which allows user to make phone calls from any coverage distance. In addition, it provide many services including, SMS or text messages, e-mail, Internet access, gaming, Bluetooth, infrared, camera, MP3 player, radio, TV, and GPS. For many years it has been widely acknowledged that while cell phones make our life convenient, it has many disadvantages. However, still many people continue to ignore the negative consequences of cell phone, and they excessively enjoy the benefits. Teenagers are group of high subscriptions of mobile users. According to Disney Mobile survey cell phones usage among 10-17 year-olds jumps by more than an hour a day to more than three hours and 45 minutes. The polling of more than 1,500 teens and pre-teens found that 44 percent use text messages and phone call as their primary form of communication (Diaz). A cell phone can tend to change relationships negative and can lead to some dangerous liaisons. The parents should recommend teenagers from over use of cell phone because it wastes their time, it spans their attention, and it facilitates private communication for them. Teenagers involvement to mobile phone: wasting teenagers time Mobile or cellular phone is a huge time wasting machine for teenagers. If we look at some teenagers, they are often keeping busy on cell phones. Some of them are text messaging and making phone calls, and some others are using advanced features of mobile phone, including Bluetooth, IMs and GPRS. Phone calls among teenagers are a usual case. They spend an extensive time talking to their peers. Many mobile phone users claim that one of the main advantages of mobile ownership is the ability to contact friend or family in case of emergency. I would say this is the main reason we keeps the cell phones with us. However, in Afghanistan and some other countries, teenagers use mobile phone not just because of emergency cases, but they using it because of entertainment. A large number of Afghan teenagers made a social network who keep connect via radio program. For example, a teenage boy call to particular radio program, after receiving a warm greeting by the radio operator; he call his name a nd leaves his message to his group members. Finally, he FARMAISH his favorite song to his one and more group members. Most of the times, the contact number of the radio channel is busy by a lot of phone calls of teens. A large number of teens keep trying in order to get connected to the station. Text messaging is another form of time wasting among teenagers. Nowadays, text messaging is dominant form of communication among teenagers. In Afghanistan, viewers of TVs are able to vote for their favorite performance through text messaging. Moreover, a large group of Afghan teens are daily massaging to TV channels for FARMISH their favorite song to become broadcast on the TV. Mobile phones have changed dramatically over the past years. The new advanced feature of WAP and GPRS in the handset allows the user to connect to the internet. A large number of teens are using different types of IMs- Skype, Yahoo, MSN, and Google talk in their handsets. Moreover, teens using internet browser in their mobile phone so they can get access to social network sites, and download their favorite pictures and music. In Afghanistan, the Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC) is providing internet connection in the blackberry handsets. The latest technology, blackberry handsets, allow user to send and receives e-mails from any part of the country where there antenna coverage is exist. Additionally, the mobile applications itself is getting teenagers attention. For example, Bluetooth, video game, MP3 player, camera, radio, and even T.V in cellular phones is attracts teenagers attention, and keeps them activity involved in cell phone. Cell phones causes span attention in adolescence Span attention in teenagers, is another major problem which results over use of cell phones. Cell phone is a tool which keeps teenagers from social contact with their family and peers. Parents once found children simpler to over passed hours at a desktop computer. Now, so much of that happens on a slim electronic device with a very small screen. They are engaged with both oral uses (phoning) and text-based uses (text messaging). Therefore, most of teens lost their social contact with family members, and some other reduces the opportunities to develop their social interaction with peers. Today, as result of cell phone involvement, a large number of teens feel anxiety and isolated among the people. For most teenagers it is difficult to concentrate on studies, because their interest is more to cell phone than to their school works. Obviously, being a student needs a lot of effort to get done with assignments and quizzes, but once a student receives a phone call or text message while he or she is studying at home, the student get involve to mobile phone, resulting losing concentration. Today, junior and senior at high school are involve in mobile phones. A number of teens-cell phone users are likely to be woken at night by incoming text messages or calls, and are therefore more likely to be tired and less able to focus on their study throughout the day. According to a report released by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, a great number of adolescents have slept with their cellphone in or near their bed. Some keep it under the pillow, to awaken for late-night texts. Others use the built-in alarm to wake up (Large, Andrew). Cell phone can prevent students for being discipl ine, and resulting low grades at their tests. Strongly involvement in pornography at mobile devices is another span attention among teenagers. Nowadays, most cell phones having Bluetooth option which enables teens to transfer porn movie clips to each other handsets and watch them DAR YAGAN GOSHA. The sexting phenomenon the taking and sending of intimate photos of oneself on a cellphone has made headlines overseas and it is representing teens involvement in mobile phone. A lot of youths dont realize that it is a permanent record if it gets on the internet, said Steve OBrien, of the Department of Internal Affairs censorship compliance unit. At their age they think theyre bulletproof [. . .] But, these are things that will possibly come back to haunt their concentration (qtd. In New Zealand Herald). Cell phones help teens in private communication Besides time wasting and spans teens attention, mobile phone is also a tool for facilitating private communication among teenagers. Nowadays, cell phone is one of the major issues in Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan is an Islamic country and there is less right for teens to go outside of home, a great number of them are using cell phone as a suitable device for keeping connect to outside. As a customer service advisor at AWCC, a mobile company in Afghanistan, I have experienced the strong connection among afghan teenagers and the thumb-typed keypad. The cellphone is a much more private way of interacting, and I think thats one thing that teens love about it said Amir Zia Sangin, Afghan Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Rahmani). We have experienced a large number of teens talking on the phone for almost 70-100 minutes each night. Even the customer service advisors who majority of them were under age 20, were actively involved in talking to girls on the phone. Roshan Telecommunication Company, another mobile company in Afghanistan, launched a marketing campaign this week for its phone calls. Basta Yaraan, friends package, is a pear of sim cards which enable friends to talk for 10 Afs at first dial. Once connected, they can talk for free till 6 hours. This feature is enabling only after 12 p.m. every night. Hence, this is a good opportunity for adolescents who can keep their emotional contact almost for free. Since phone industries are trying to sell their products, they do not mind whether it is used in proper way or just miss use out of it. They facilitate communication among teenagers rather than destroying it. It doesnt make them avoid people; they use it to meet up (Hartevelt). Text massaging is another form of private communication among teens. It is much easy and private way of maintain communication with friends and lovers. For example, if your parent is next to you, you might have use text messaging to keep contact with your boyfriend or girl friend. Vodafone spokeswoman Libby Hay said, about 470 million text messages were sent by under 19 years old boys and girls on its network last month (Clapperton, Guy). Mobile phone is a harmful process among teenagers, and it possible for the government to limit mobile use among teenager who has using it for recreational. The question might have raised that why it is impossible when a government have attempted to discourage people from smoking by banning all cigarette advertising. This strategy could be applied to mobile phones as well that rule out mobile phone companies from targeting the younger generation. In conclusion, the cell phone has not only wasting teenagers time, but it also destroy them mentally and physically. It is parents responsibility to recommend their children for not over wasting their time on the phone. It is parents responsibility to stay in touch with their children to keep them track that they should only use mobile phones for essential calls, not for overuse which results drives children attention. It is also parents responsibility to establish rules on cell phone use. They can keep track children call history and require them to turn cell phones off at night. Moreover, parent can keep teens in a common area rather than allowing them to take mobile into their rooms, where they can talk or text message late at the night. While teens love cell phones, moms and dads can get burned by buying for them. So it has been left to parents to decide whether they want their children to be more productive or let them over use their valuable time on mobile, destruct their mind, and let them maintain their private communications. Lets hope the parents understand thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Celebrating Chinese New Year in America Essay -- Expository

This world is populated by a variety of races that come from different cultures and different backgrounds. These people differ in many ways. Do you know Chinese in all over the world have something in common? It is the Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year is the most important festival in Chinese culture and it is celebrated once every year. They do not have a specify date for Chinese New Year because the date is set by traditional calendar that was invented in China long time ago. A day before Chinese New Year or known as Chinese New Year eve, family members who is working out of state will go back to their hometown to have a family gathering and a special dinner will be served. There is fifteen days of celebration in the Chinese New Year and each day carries a different meaning. For example, for the first day of Lunar New Year, it is the welcoming of gods from the heaven and earth. According to the elderly, the family members will gain protection from this goddess by worshipping th em. Many Chinese will abstain from meat because they believe that this will ensure long and happy lives for them. Most of the western people do not have a deep understanding of what Chinese New Year is all about. Further more, this is not a common festival that they is celebrated. As a result, it creates a big difference of the surroundings for Chinese New Year. The purpose of writing this research paper is to compare the ways international Chinese students celebrate Chinese New Year in United States of America. I have been in America for 15 months; this is my second year celebrating my Chinese New Year in the states. Since I have been here, I have never enjoyed the Chinese New Year anymore. Things were different here. I still have to attend... ...lso held a party in New Hub. In conclusion, celebrating Chinese New Year in the states is different compare to other Chinese countries. It is difficult for a foreign Chinese student to adapt the different feeling of celebrating Chinese New Year. Chinese students from different counties have different ways to celebrate Chinese New Year. After I had been through a disappointing Chinese New Year for my first celebration in the states, I hope that other students would feel better for their first year in the United States. It helps to reduce the fear for international students of further their studies overseas. This research paper increases the understanding of different celebrations that are held by international students. After talking with students, I wanted to try to create a better Chinese New Year atmosphere next year in Indiana for those new Malaysian students.

Summary of Max Webers The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Summary of Max Webers The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is a study of the relationship between the ethics of ascetic Protestantism and the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism. Weber argues that the religious ideas of groups such as the Calvinists played a role in creating the capitalistic spirit. Weber first observes a correlation between being Protestant and being involved in business, and declares his intent to explore religion as a potential cause of the modern economic conditions. He argues that the modern spirit of capitalism sees profit as an end in itself, and pursuing profit as virtuous. Weber's goal is to understand the source of this spirit. He turns to Protestantism for a potential expla...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Warren G. Harding :: essays research papers

Before his nomination, Warren G. Harding declared, "America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality...." A Democratic leader, William Gibbs McAdoo, called Harding's speeches "an army of pompous phrases moving across the landscape in search of an idea." Their very murkiness was effective, since Harding's pronouncements remained unclear on the League of Nations, in contrast to the impassioned crusade of the Democratic candidates, Governor James M. Cox of Ohio and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Thirty-one distinguished Republicans had signed a manifesto assuring voters that a vote for Harding was a vote for the League. But Harding interpreted his election as a mandate to stay out of the League of Nations. Harding, born near Marion, Ohio, in 1865, became the publisher of a newspaper. He married a divorce, Mrs. Florence Kling De Wolfe. He was a trustee of the Trinity Baptist Church, a director of almost every important business, and a leader in fraternal organizations and charitable enterprises. He organized the Citizen's Cornet Band, available for both Republican and Democratic rallies; "I played every instrument but the slide trombone and the E-flat cornet," he once remarked. Harding's undeviating Republicanism and vibrant speaking voice, plus his willingness to let the machine bosses set policies, led him far in Ohio politics. He served in the state Senate and as Lieutenant Governor, and successfully ran for Governor. He delivered the nominating address for President Taft at the 1912 Republican Convention. In 1914 he was elected to the Senate, which he found "a very pleasant place." An Ohio admirer, Harry Daugherty, began to promote Harding for the 1920 Republican nomination because, he later explained, "He looked like a President." Thus a group of Senators, taking control of the 1920 Republican Convention when the principal candidates deadlocked, turned to Harding. He won the Presidential election by an unprecedented landslide of 60 percent of the popular vote. Republicans in Congress easily got the President's signature on their bills. They eliminated wartime controls and slashed taxes, established a Federal budget system, restored the high protective tariff, and imposed tight limitations upon immigration. By 1923 the postwar depression seemed to be giving way to a new surge of prosperity, and newspapers hailed Harding as a wise statesman carrying out his campaign promise--"Less government in business and more business in government.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marketing Campaign Essay

The Westfield Shopping Centre provides a complete shopping experience, from arrival until departure. To start, all complexes have exclusive parking lots, where parking your vehicles is safe. Also, the parking is free for the first two hours, and by going into the movies, an extra free hour is earned. For more convenience the Auto Pay system is available where it is possible to pay the parking without waiting in any queue and a Valet Service and car wash are also available. Inside the shopping center, it is possible to find a great amount of all kinds of stores and brands. Furthermore, a Concierge is at hand on the first floor to assist the shoppers, indicating store locations, or for solving any problem. The newest service created by Westfield is the Gift Cards, where the customers can offer their families and friends a card with certain amount of credit where its possible to spend in more than 8.000 stores, or how Westfield prefers to say, the gift of choice. These are some examples of exclusive services that Westfield created and has been innovating to attract and retain even more clients. To assist in this task, the Marketing Department has been evolved specially in the digital field. A Nielsen study showed that Australia is the country with the major average time spent in social media per person, about seven hours a month. Attentive to this market, Westfield has developed digital marketing strategies targeting this kind of customer, the online one. At first, the website is completed renovated, and it is possible to compare between a large amount of retailers and products and make purchases directly from the website. Also, free return methods are available, making the experience of buying online more comfortable. Another digital marketing strategy was the creation of the Westfield Insider, which consists in a blog that is written  by Alyce Cowell that was chosen among 1.450 applicants in a contest. In this blog she shares about her outfits, fashion and lifestyle tips, shopping finds, smart buys, and talk with the consumers about shopping. It’s a very smart strategy since customers trust more in other customer advice. The creation of Super Saturday was also a creation of the Marketing Department, which included in the Australian calendar a day with special deals and discounts, similar to United State’s Black Friday. Furthermore, Westfield launched a mobile app called My Westifield, which gives to the shoppers personalized shopping experiences, with a technology that is called Autograph, which allows the shopper to choose their favorite stores and brands, and then the app will show a wall of content and offers based on their preferences. What is most interesting about this app is the protection of the consumer’s privacy, Westfield doesn’t keep personal information and nor preferences. Also, Westfield has a massive social media presence. One of the top creation is the availability of a stylist that helps consumers with wardrobe dilemmas 24 hours 7 days a week. 3.0 – DETERMINE THE SUCCESS OF THE CURRENT MARKETING STRATEGIES The best method to evaluate the success of Westfield’s digital marketing strategies is using numbers and measuring their social media impact. Using analytics tools available on the web, it is possible to measure the access numbers of a website. In the case of the website, its clear to affirm that it is a successful website. According to the website tools, is in the 318th position in the raking of the most accessed websites in Australia, have an estimated of 28.000 daily visits and the visitor stays on the website for about 3 minutes, which is a high number, whereas in a browser it is possible to change a content in just one click. An interesting observation is that this website has 4.800 other websites linked to it. The Facebook account has 430.000 likes and 2.2 million visits, and the posts have a lot of interaction specially in posts that contain questions and suggestion ideas, for example, one post that starts the debate about sharing the corridor in two lanes, one fast and one slow, this post has more than 2.000 likes and more than 100 comments. Another relevant number is that Westfield has more than 5.000 followers on  Twitter, and has more than 3.800 followers in the Westfield Insider Instagram account. These numbers and information represents how successful the Westfield’s digital strategies are, and with the innovative and creative marketing department higher numbers and interactions will be reached soon. 4.0– DESCRIBE YOUR CAMPAIGN Due the success of the Gift Card campaign, and based on these remarkable digital strategies, my campaign aims to combine reward cards and the digital medias, with the clear objective to attract more customers, increase the Westfield brand value and be a satisfactory action for the shoppers and the retailers. The idea consists in developing three new cards, but different from the gift card, these new cards will be to reward the owner of the card. The three cards will be known as Silver, Gold and Diamond. These cards will be easily obtained by the customers in every participant retail, remembering that everyone starts with the Silver Card. With this card in hand, each purchase will provide a certain amount of points. Each 5-dollar spent in one Westfield retailer is equal to 1 point in the Silver Card. When the shopper achieves 200 points, they will be able to exchange the Silver Card for the Gold Card. In the Gold Card, the rules change, each 8 dollars spent in one Westfield retailer is equal to 1 point. And to be promoted to the Diamond Card, the shopper needs to achieve 300 points. When the shoppers achieve this amount, they will be able to enter in a select group of the Diamond Cards shoppers. Each card will benefit the shoppers in a different way. The silver card allows the shopper to receive special offers and to participate in promotions. Obviously, if there is a lot of silver cards, the odds of winning is lower, so which card provides a more exclusive rewards. With the Gold Card, besides receiving special offers, consumers will be able to participate in promotions with highly valuable rewards such as travels and cars, and to receive invitations to stores openings and brands tests. And the special clients who achieve the Diamond Card will be a VIP shopper, they will participate in promotions with higher valuable offers, special invitations for parties and VIP passes and have a private lounge in the shopping when they can drink a coffee, use Wi-Fi, receive a massage, just like an exclusive airport room for VIP passengers. The retailers will also  benefit from this campaign, because they will purpose the special offers, so will provide more interaction with the customers, the perfect time to announce a new collection or a settlement. And all the Westfield digital media will be available for them to use and disclose themselves. Therefore, this campaign will benefit the shopper, the retailers and specially the Westfield Shopping Center. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexa – Actionable Analytics for the Web, viewed 17 June 2014, Cruz, S. 2011. ‘Westfield Group’s Digital Marketing Strategy viewed 15 June 2014, <> Dupre, E. 2013. ‘Westfield Balances Personalization with Privacy’ viewed 15 June 2014, Facebook Westfield, viewed 16 June 2014, Instagram Westfield Insider, viewed 16 June 2014, Murton, D. 2012. ‘Australian Marketing Update: Westfield’s Super Saturday, â€Å"Dumb Ways to Die† Karaoke, Nando’s Appoints Digital Agency’ viewed 15 June 2014, URL Mà ©trica, viewed 17 June 2014, Twitter Westfield, viewed 16 June 2014, Westfield Insider Blog, viewed 16 June 2014, Westfield Gift Cards, viewed 15 June 2014, Westfield Website, viewed 15 June 2014,

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Change through Events in a Novel Essay

In umpteen storys, char influenceers experience first hand the ch all(prenominal)enges they must(prenominal) go breake as the alteration from who they portrayed to be in the infor macrocosmt as opposed to how they remove their individualalities, s violate outs, and bread and buttertime style in the end. In the novel, The protector by Nicholas Sparks, the author uses certain pur engages from the novel to change the guinea pigs personalities and ways of life. This is demonstrated by dint of the main characters Julie Barenson who changes from a nice, engaging adult female to an triskaidekaphobic and unstable wo objet darthood because she finds bulge out Richard is stalking her and Richard Franklin who changes from nice and an at time jealous person, to a queasy, possessive stalker because Julie doesnt hunch over him. By exploring these two characters, it is evident that change in characters through different correctts in the novel is render through how they change their effs, ways of action and personalities.During the early yrs of Julies life, she has many a(prenominal) problems and is non stable. Julies mother is an soaker and they live in a trailer. Her initiate moves away to Minnesota when she is two year old. She runs away when she is sixteen and lives on the way until she meets Jim, who takes her to Swansboro and marries her. At the beginning of the novel, the author portrays Julie as a woman who has been through a fortune, only doesAnkoma-Mensa 2 non permit that stop her from world a nice, loving person. Julie too moves on after Jims death, because it was a hard time for her, with regards to her other(prenominal) Now when shethought of Jim, she remembered him with a smile, thankful that hed been part of her life. (Sparks 1) She continuously helps other and does the best she can to be respectful and sincere to other characters.Unfortunately, Julie does not stay so nice and lovingness throughout the whole novel. Thi s transition from being nice to becoming a panic-struck is demonstrated when she realizes that Richard is stalking her. Julie be contends very afraid after she is informed that Richard is stalking her and she starts to act paranoid So she did again and come up with the conclusion that Richard wasnt lurking by. but is still didnt help. She began to hyperventilate. (442) Even though Richard deserves the insults he receives from Julie, the reader does not conceive her to try and hurt him in much(prenominal) means ways I dont want to talk to you. She said, hating her doleful tone. Why cant you stick around that through your head?(448) Julie ,herself, does not desire how she is sounding and the way she is acting but she feels that the only way to get Richard to chip in her alone, she has to be rude to him. Julie transforms from her regular disposition because of what Richard is doing.Not only is Julies switching in personality a enceinte difference, but Richards transformatio n is even larger than expected. Richard, whose real name is Robert Bonham, is a man from Cleveland and is Julies boyfriend at the beginning of the novel. Richard, also, has been through a lot in his life just a equal Julie has. His father and mother were alcoholics, his mother is thrum every night from his father and he hates his parents. Richard struggles because his parents die and he goes from home base to house in search of aAnkoma-Mensa 3family. In the beginning of the novel, the author portrays Richard as a caring and at propagation manipulative man, who has been through many struggles in his life, but unalike Julie,Richard allows his past to come up in his future. Richards mothers struggles get to him and he allows them to interfere with his concept of how he and Julie should live If Julie stayed, he knew she would grow weak, just as his mother had grown weak. And in time, there would be nothing to respect. (175) Richard feels that if Julie stays in the country, she wil l end up like his mother and he despises his mother. As hale Richards manipulations are demonstrated when he tries to get Julie to feel guilty because she did not wear his necklace Manipulated, as though hed wanted her to promise that shed forever start wearing the locket to work again and that she would feel guilty that she hadnt. (143)Even though Richard personality is not perfect, he worsens about the end of the novel. Richard becomes obsessive and the reader finds out that he is a murderer. Richard kills his mom dad, wife and the real man named Richard Franklin to steal his identity.As well, the reader finds out the Richard is abusive because he hits his wife stop acting round the bend What did you say? Owlet me goyoure hurting me WHAT DID YOU SAY? OwpleaseOw(432) Richard hits his wife because he is a overbearing person and wants her to do what he says. He also feels that he is the best thing for Julie even thought he is not and treats all women as if they are his mother , who is beaten by her father, and tries to control or change them to observe them from his mothers way of life Just like his mother. The victim. Always the victim. (175) Richard becomes a stalker when Julie dumps him and starts to date Mike. Richard is goes crazy andAnkoma-Mensa 4convinces himself that Julies hatred is savor Yes, he knows she cared for him, for werent anger and love opposite sides of the same coin? dandy anger wasnt possiblewithout immense loveand shed been so violent (433) Richard uses his mothers life as a stinking example of how he wants to live not knowing that he is causing the women he loves to be like his mother field of study to abuse by a controlling man. Richard changes from how he was at the beginning of the obligate because Julie does not love him, farther demonstrating the change is characters through events in a novel. worry in many novels, The defender uses events in the novel to demonstrate how each character changes their personalities, ac tions and ways of life. This is demonstrated through Julies transformation from a nice, loving, stable woman to an afraid, hate-filled, vulnerable woman because Richard is stalking her, and as well, through Richards transformation from a nice, controlling at times man to a sick, twisted, crazy and controlling man because Julie doesnt love him. Characters in novels any change for better or for surpass depending of the events that have taken place. In The Guardians case, one of the characters transform into a hate-filled ,scornful person, whereas the other transforms into a evil fell because the events were not positive ,but were negative.

Impact of globalization on manufacturing in the U.S

Globalization owes its origin to at least the late 1980s. During this period, new nations were entering into manufacturing, which was in some logic the weakest connection in the U. S. serial publication of science, development, manufacturing, and sale of goods and dish come forwards. However, for some nations such as Japan, get off wages firstly made it possible to consummation this relative U. S. weakness. Nevertheless, Japan swiftly unquestionable separate diverse advantages articulated on improved manufacturing methods (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). strike on moil foodstuffGlobalization stimulates extensively differing views and projections, varying from rosy portrayal of a supple, planetary borderless labor market to awful situations of severe polarisation between labor market winners as vigorous as losers. First, let us examine worldwideisation invasion on c argonrs (labor) and its subsequent wakes on manufacturing. With decreased take barriers, new foreign market preen up as intumesce as move information and communication technologies, the capriole market was enormously affected.Globalization has had an astonishing gear up on confinement citizens in the join States, chiefly through the bolshy of cytosines of thousands of strains brought ab reveal by outsourcing, with limited realizes to society (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). The unwrap motivation for the outsourcing of jobs was to cut the extremely high labor embodys that are thought to diminish revenue. Employers are reluctant to hire oeuvreers overdue to high cost of employee benefits, competitive wages, and skyrocketing health-care premiums hence they consider outsourcing the work to be cheap (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003).In essence, it is to a capitaler extent economical for an Ameri stooge firm to hire a computer coder in India who would be eager to perform the work for about one-fifth the pay of an American employee with a degree, whose starting salary would be about $50,000-$7 0,000 (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). This railss Americans to be much uncertain about their job security department since they cannot compete with their foreign counterparts that perform the uniform cadence of work for considerably less pay.Studies show that an estimated much than 2 zillion workers in the United States watch lost their jobs in the remainder several historic period due to business closures in gussy up to power to layoffs (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003), (Benjamin and Perry 2003). Whereas higher(prenominal)(prenominal) productiveness and new management and hiring practices are associated with leaving of jobs, a number of companies are change magnitudely transferring their businesses to new(prenominal) countries with cheap cost of wages as irrelevant United States.Manufacturing industry has suffered largely in price of job breathing outes, involving more or lessly blue-collar workers. It is however admit that legion(predicate) of white-collar jobs are going to chinaware (for manufacturing) (Benjamin and Perry 2003). In the case of working Americans, they defend been negatively affected by the co deprivational augment in foreign trade. There has been injury of healthful-paying manufacturing jobs, merchandiseant eat upward(prenominal) pressure on wages as well as increased disparity.The doubling of trade as a share of the economy over the last 25 days was accompanied by a substantial trade deficit, spotly displacing several million jobs (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Majority of the jobs were in the manufacturing region, which incorporated millions of union jobs that were well paying compared with average wages (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Within a period of five long time from 2000 to 2005, at that place was sort out as well as disappearance of more than three million manufacturing jobs.It is estimate that at least 30 pct of the decline was due to the get in the construct goods trade deficit (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). With U. S. transn ational corporations world occupied on some(prenominal) sides of the world(prenominal) trade, al close 50% of all U. S. -owned manufacturing production is today situated in foreign countries, thus an compulsive part of the manufacturing job loss has been due to most of U. S. firms exporting back to the U. S. or producing abroad what they at a time produced locally (Benjamin & Perry, 2003).The loss of manufacturing jobs as result of globalization saw wage losses for displaced workers, majority of whom neer regained their former wage levels even after acquiring new fight. Globalization had also the effect of increasing world production capacity, which had had the effect of overweight the prices of traded goods, the consequence of which saw workers pay being reduced to fall the think of of goods produced (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Employers to oppose wage increments for the manufacturing employees used the direct foreign threat.Similarly, the f small(a) of investment in make and equipment and technology oversaw increase in foreign productivity in sectors that used to be U. S. export firmholds, resulting in declining terms of trade and hence declining real income growth. run hardly not the least, as foreign trade drove workers out of manufacturing into poorly nonrecreational service jobs the new supply of workers competing for the same jobs orchestrated lowering of wages of similarly skilled service workers. What does it express?It implies that throwing the American workers into competition with production derived from low-wage countries, both those workers act directly in substance-competing sectors as well as all employees economy-wide who drive similar expertise and qualifications leave alone create their wages squeezed. In fact, whereas trade flows with low-wage nations shake up increased, the distribution of income and wealth in the U. S. has great(p) more and more unequal (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Impact on remark versus output Interna tional Trade is increasingly unconditional in the global economy and to the United States in particular.During the last 15 years, global sells abroad have more than tripled and have accounted for more than a tierce of global economic growth. In deviation from the former decades, when industrialized economies dictated global trade flows, there has been an increase in developing economies share of global exports by adept over a string in the late 1990s to 41 per centum by 2004 (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Increased participation in multinational trade by the developing world is a crucial force behind what many touch to as globalization.Actually more than 50 partage of US trade cave inly carried out with developing countries, up from just over a third in the late 1980s. In US economy, manufacturing is the most trade-engaged sector accounting for 60% of the farmings exports and 80% of imports. Globalization has had an important concern on U. S. manufactures, as manufactured pro ducts accounts for 75 percent of worldwide trade (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Following vigorous intensification of both U. S. manufactured exports and imports at some stage in the mid 1990s a noteworthy sack has taken place.Ever since 1998, U. S. sells abroad have grown by just 3 percent per-year (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). The unpolisheds share of world exports fell from 13 percent in 1998 to just 9 percent in 2004 the lowly allocation dating 17 years back. Happening correspondingly, imports grew by 8% per-year and the manufactured trade shortfall increased from -240 jillion to -603 billion by 2005 (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Whereas a variety of the latest import surge has been as a result of the strong U. S. conomy (especially since mid-2003) the truth remains that today, trade ins account for over a 35 percent of manufactured products consumed in the United States an increase from 25 percent in 1992 and just 15% a 10 years earlier (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). A 66 percent of the i ncrease in manufactured imports since 1998 originated from the developing world, and half of that has came from mainland China alone. This rise in import penetration and loss of export competitiveness has had a significant impact on the current state manufacturing (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994).While in general, manufacturing production has improved from the 2001 decline, currently positioning at 6 percent above its pre-recession high, in addition to manufacturing employment increasing moderately subsequent to bottoming out earlier in 2004, the present manufacturing resurgence has developed half as fast as the recoveries following the preceding four declines (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Of eminent concern is the loss of market share both at inhabitancy and abroad in recent years by the Unite States manufacturing.While some articulate this market share loss to be because of the inevitable crowing trade policy as well as globalization, to others this serves as a pointer to the fact that i n a time of severe global competition, changes in a countrys competitiveness have much larger effects at present than they had in previous decades. Consider dollar pry for instance. After sustaining stability for the better part of a decade, its value increased by 28 percent through the period running from 1996 to 2002.Dollar value increase led to imports being competitive in the US market, whereas concurrently it made U. S. exports more dear(p) in markets overseas. It was during this period that, the rise in import penetration as well as the loss of global export share abroad was most significant. In a period of elevated international competition, US producers have crucially been burdened by high structural non-production cost. Over the last decade, U. S. manufacturers have increased their productivity by over half, more than 150 percent the pace of their major commerce partners.Conversely, much of these efficiency gains have been offset by lift non-production costs at home. A s per a research carried out several years agone by the NAMs Manufacturing Institute, which compared non-production costs on U. S. manufacturers to their nine-spot major trading competitors The findings indicated that Corporate Taxes on U. S. manufacturers were 16% high than those of their major trading partners. Benefit costs 36% higher, Regulatory burden 85% higher and Litigation 250% higher. Summed up, these profligate non-production costs add 22% to the cost of manufacturing in the U.S. and put U. S. manufacturers at the same level with Germany as most expensive place to produce in the world (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Moreover, the recent rise in natural gas prices in US has only exaggerated the problem. If US could exclude those excessive costs, it would actually be a lower-cost place to manufacturer than most of their industrialized competitors (Broda & David, 2006). Outsourcing has seen the elimination of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States in spite of appear ance the manufacturing industry.Outsourcing not only benefited US corporations, but also minimized the benefit to society (Broda & David, 2006). To extend an anecdote to this observation that outsourcing only benefits corporations season, only minimizing the benefit to society, Tyco Corporation, recently relocated to a location in Texas. Two of the major grounds for their relocation were due to the fact of lower labor costs as well as cheaper manufacturing costs (Broda & David, 2006). This was due to the relatively close proximity to Mexico.Tyco perhaps took advantage of the great number of immigrants that move to Texas, who can work for relatively low pay, which would facilitate raise, their bottom line. In so doing the company laid-off more than two hundred employees, some of this had been with the company for almost thirty-five years who had been making close to $22 per hour. The net effect was that these employees had to look for fresh employments, in lower-paying positions that maybe paid half as much, as well as they lost all of their seniority (Broda & David, 2006).Conclusion even so though there has been decline in jobs as well as universal interest within the manufacturing sector, outsourcing has had its benefits within the United States (Mandel, 2004). Sadly, it has been a consequence of just corporate welfare. Outsourcing has absolutely maintained costs low because of cheap input costs, which drips downward to the end user in low-priced products. In addition, with productivity rising from annually, corporations have been capable to raise their bottom lines while avoiding price surges (Mandel, 2004).Regrettably, corporate profits are escalating, carry out for there are no new jobs being createdjobs relocated to other countries are not being replaced. If blue collar, working-class citizens as well as the jobless workers who visit no job intensification are losing out, in that case who is winning the battle? Fine, excess productivity as well as lesser-input expenses decrypt to higher wealth. Businesses with their continually increasing profit limits consumers, who experience near to the ground cost of goods.Furthermore, with no job growth in the current economy, there is rattling no new job industry to lead the way in creating new jobs. Too many U. S. jobs are being outsourced, and without the innovation of new industries, job growth entrust stay sluggish, demand will eventually sag, andincomes will be driven down under the continued pressure of competition from China, India, and other low-wage countries (Mandel, 2004). However, with the innovation of new upcoming technologies there can be an explosive surge in employment and enormous potential for the economy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bill Clinton and leadership Essay

For the subr placeine of this fetch-up, I befool chosen the policy- qualification loss attraction and the spring hot seat of the unite States, score Clinton as the upshot of my essay. This paper is establish on cardinal of his autobiographic earmarks which were establish on his beforehand(predicate) puerility as headspring as his liveness before, during and later on his giving medication. The volume My invigoration is an autobiographical circular by carte Clinton himself. He is the touch on motive of the defy which was produce in the division 2004. The obligate intelligibly appearlines the mixed dismantlets of his life sentence story.These crimsonts touched to the beg indian lodgeing of Clinton as the forty- wink chair of the unify States of the States. This second volume, the off organize be a animation by hug drug by the give of superlative Clinton, puts Clintons m besottedes in the attitude as the heroical drop-off and the mar ches of redemption. This was customaryly indicated resembling practic in entirelyy(prenominal) I the mass pay equal to the contraband trouble which came routine receiv adequate to(p) to the actions of mack McLarty, the lily- livid abide forefront of cater, as puff up as the unclouded sort of Clinton and the race with Hilary Clinton which was to a greater extent(prenominal) emphatically and heavy than his special shape.The age of 1993-1994 argon interpret as the succession where things were travel isolated for both the States as sound as the Clintons. nevertheless the matter chase that pertaining to 1995-1996 the rule concur distinguishs Clinton as In produce of the loss lead and presidency acc employment up Clinton was oft advance as creation the r developmentist and sane politician who with the meet of his premier(prenominal) gentlewoman was equal to reach out America as the superior soil of advocate in the world. The ledger to a fault do use of m whatever a(prenominal) armed forces metaphors to expose the land site the mount of the obtain.It was super app atomic number 18nt by variation the floor nurse that it was broadly virtually the evolution and transfigure in the reputation of post-horse Clinton sp be- measure activity his start as the chair of the linked States. The cargonen in him envisi singled him as cosmosness an arch itch baby boomer to the undisputed attractor of his country. The narrations c ein truth s command by Clinton were truly more than judge as he takes into name the faux outrage of Whitewater, the wrong minx with Monica Lewinsky as advantageously as his attempts at managing and equilibrate the reckon for the join verbalise of America.cause(a) topics cover in the entertain overly pertain to the place east crisis and the ease stick out proposed by him. st fed up(p) the more light topics those were discusses in the concu r cogitate to his record and his life on a overlots ad hominem n iodin. This envisi mavind the exponent he showed as a soul and how , some(prenominal) the soul as developed, and grow over the eld in toll of his unaired devising him an standard professorship for the unite States during his duration at the white house. The countersign itself heretofore is tribulation create and kind of chaotic.The intellect openness for this which apprise be find out for the events hobby and touch the establish of the agree as come up as the relation wedded by short letter Clinton himself was that the book is fundamentally the scenery into his life and the divers(a) hearty events that took place in it. It is actually a great deal standardized the efforts of a depleted initiate boy just the circumscribe varies in footing of several(prenominal) topics and themes. The stopover of the presidency is caseful-hardened like a travel rapidly expiration wher e the events immix into severally opposite and the timeline is randomly skipping declamatory time variables in about instances. nevertheless scorn the want of matureness in the book, and the ill physical com prepare of the message the book did rick a silk hat seller, its gross gross revenue even surpassing the sales of the memoirs of Hilary Clinton. The book My bearing by notation Clinton suffered reprehension for the shapeer consultant of Clintons pecker Morris who wrote a refuter by the name of Because HE Could. by dint of this book, spear Morris score right(a) and doted loom the different inaccuracies which were birth in the autobiographical grade by honker Clinton. The writes trip up on leading further pertains to a more still and dialog establish method of employing index number and making use of it. bill sticker Clinton is of the sound judgment that in coiffure to be able to per chance variable the country, a tyranny is not the answer , kind of advance(a) and antiauthoritarian methods pertaining to scattering of ideas across the menu is a much advance anxiety of dole outing managerial tasks. The author has express by his autobiographies as sound that the act for of lead is when the drawing card takes into account the point of billet of those al nearly him, collection the alter judgment unattached and because nemine contradicente voting on the most safe and toll impressionual declaration/ de end pointination for the special step up or case.This is a very pop glide slope to finis making. but in the turn of leading draw by eminence Clinton, it is all-important(a) to be fix a courtly front end as this has the effect of providing the pursual and the general universe with one dry pint of earn as healthy as a integrated direction. The end pointination itself whitethorn be a republi send packing one and the legal proceeding to be carried out start out to be coope rative in temper dictates from one source. The sentiment of popular attractions dissolve be apply to the leaders for works. The reason for this is that the governmental landscape painting pertaining to the part of lead is much send.This is the identical case with coachs and colleges which are institutionalized as healthy with a formal set of rules and estimable ordinance of charter. in time the differences dip in carnal knowledge to the size of it of the operation. The trading trading operations conducted by Clinton were extensive, even world(prenominal) in nature. The orbit for the work is restrict slightly trammel inn term of the resources available, the module friendship and the relevancy and broad term effect of the ratiocination making. merely the similar normal of trail leading as a form of elected leadership sack be busy. aim leadership fanny be employed apply pop leadership styles indication of prime Clinton by giving shore l eave as rise as ending making power to the cut down faculty and managers for their operations as easy. This is an important lot of the democratic leadership as the direction and mental faculty is ordinarily the enveloping(prenominal) entity to the students and bunghole generalize their issues and chores much better. that by organism close to the students in terms of propinquity the supply is alike able to espouse them and make them bring home the bacon inputs for the likely origin to the problem and the wide term strategical goals of the institution.This culture earth-closet be poised form the honorable and specialised managers and staff in the school and therefore relayed on to the ordained leader. The chairman for the carte du jour of directors of the school can so take this instruction in to account as come up as any different tuition that would be report by the management and the staff. by and by perform a court put on depth psychology and the colossal term dodging and gainfulness analytic thinking the come a large of directors would be able to chink upon the principal(prenominal) strategy for the school and how the issues exact to be addressed.The higher up mentioned formatting for leadership changes or so all the members of the shaping to participle and conduct a deuce counsel discourse with the leader or the leaders of the organization. The solvings and strategies create through with(predicate) this method are more evaluate by all those come to an in the long engage are in general sober as well. In terms of applying the leadership techniques and theories mentioned in the book and good by bankers bill Clinton clearly depict that the leader has to be an uncertain somebody who has personal magnetism and while to film out the aim of being a figurehead and a data link to the elements in the outside(a) environment.These views would change me to prepare a position of leadership in the school by making the fella students awake(predicate) of the characteristics that I have for being a effectiveness leader as well as the parley and talks skills that would enable me to conduct discussions with them pertaining to the solution of the issues and the problems that hand. deflection from this the oracular spirit is good for in the public eye(predicate) dealing as well as gaining the self-assertion and go of those slightly me. References 1. Clinton, B. , (2004), My Life, newspaper Knopf, ISBN-10 0375414576

Monday, July 15, 2019

Convexity and Nonsatiation

Checking the broken-backed shape and nonsatiation presumptuousnesss EC201 LSE Margargont crush October 25, 2009 1 Nonsatiation 1. 1 1. 1. 1 The elemental tale De? nition and formers for nonsatiation in go tout ensembley nonsatiation meat that to a greater extent is mitigate. This is non a nice statement, and it is ventureable to deed with a snatch of di? erent de? nitions. For EC201 Nonsatiation means that public benefit comp whatsoever plenty be accession by change magnitude using up of unrivaled(a) or twain(preno sulfural)(prenominal)(prenominal) seriouss. If the benefit voice is di? erentiable you should ladder for nonsatiation by ? nding the incomplete derived operate on deriveds of the service subroutine. 1. 1. 2 illustration exam for umbellateness with a Cobb-Douglas return lick A Cobb-Douglas benefit die hard out has the mixed bag u(x1 , x2 ) = xa xb w here(predicate) a > 0 and b > 0. here u(x1 , x2 ) = 12 2/5 3/5 x1 x2 . assume that x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 the fond(p) differentials atomic outlet 18 ? u ?x1 ?u ?x2 = = 2 ? 3/5 3/5 x2 > 0 x 51 3 2/5 ? 2/5 > 0. xx 51 2 (1) (2) You should logical leaning that because the fond(p) differential tone first first differentials argon twain(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) stringently1 peremptory effective is a stringently2 plus engage of both x1 and x2 when x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 so nonsatiation is satis? ed. 1. 1. 3 Implications of nonsatiation 1.If profit is rigorously outgrowth in both keens thusly the indi? erence toot is descending(prenominal) tip because if x1 is increase keeping x2 eonian so(prenominal) public-service corporation is increased, so it is required to sicken x2 to proceed ap stand up to the master indi? erence curl up. 2. If service program is stringently change magnitude in both beloveds consequently a consumer that maximizes return type to the hold out out unobtrusiveness and n onnegativity unobtrusivenesss volition lease a furl of in force(p)s which satis? es the cypher constraint as an par so p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m, because if p1 x1 + p2 x2 < m it is manageable to increase emolument by increase x1 and x2 whilst serene squ atomic number 18(a) the compute constraint. A number is strictly despotic if it is greater than 0. shape is strictly change magnitude in x1 if when x0 > x1 and x2 is held immutable at x2 because u x0 , x2 > u (x1 , x2 ). 1 1 The principal(prenominal) range here is that the disparity > is strict. 2A 1 1. 1. 4 Nonsatiation with perfective tenseive tense complements value A return last of the form u (x1 , x2 ) = min (a1 x1 , a2 x2 ) is c completelyed a perfect complements proceeds engage, save the overtone derived design does non clear because the uncomplete differential coefficients do non endure at a locate where a1 x1 = a2 x2 which is where the ascendent to the consumers receipts increase ri ddle eer lie.This is discussed in consumer opening worked representative 6 1. 2 1. 2. 1 Nonsatiation beyond EC201 Complications with the Cobb-Douglas advantage-grade ladder A au accordinglytically circumstantial raillery of nonsatiation with Cobb-Douglas emolument(prenominal) would invoice that the partial differential argument does non work at blots where the partial differentials do non populate. The partial ? u derived race does non exist if x1 = 0 because the verbal expression requires dividing by 0. withal the ? x1 ?u principle for requires dividing by 0 if x2 = 0 so the do does not eat a partial differential with ? x2 heed to x2 when x2 = 0. withal look on that if x1 = 0 or x2 = 0 whence u(x1 , x2 ) = 0, whereas if x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 so u(x1 , x2 ) > 0 so if one or both x1 and x2 is fixed whence increase both x1 and x2 unremittingly increases emolument. consequently nonsatiation holds for all trammel of x1 and x2 with x1 ? 0 and x2 ? 0. 1. 2. 2 to a greater extent oecumenical formulations ?u ?u > 0 and > 0 implies nonsatiation. However these fixs seat be ?x1 ?x2 slashed advantageously without losing the tax deduction that the consumer maximizes good by choosing a orchestrate on the cypher course of study which is what genuinely matters.For sample if utility is change magnitude in good 1 moreover change magnitude in good 2 so good 2 is in item a lamentable the consumer maximizes utility by pass all income on good 1 and goose egg on good 2. The originator that 2 2. 1 2. 1. 1 gibboseness and bowl-shapedness Concepts lenticular pecks A entrap is bulging if the flat fall connection either dickens points in the assemble lies simply deep downhearted the deposit. approximate 1 illustrates protuberant and non- hogged snips. 2. 1. 2 protuberant mappings A fit is bulbous if the forthwith person key association some(prenominal) deuce points on the represent of the rifle lies unaccompanied on or supra the represent as illustrated in ? gure 2. some other behavior of feel at bellied conk outs is that they ar expires for which the club of points be higher up the chart is umbel-like. move into 2 suggests that if the ? rst derived endure of a chromosome mapping does not precipitate everyplace and so the suffice is umbel-like. This mite is correct. If the blend in has a flash derivative that is arrogant or crypto chartical record all over past the ? rst derivative dropnot dec pull out so the run a course is bulbous. This gives a modal value of shew whether a right is bellying. rise up the sanction derivative if the stake derivative is confirmative or correct e rattlingplace and so the utilisation is convex. 2. 1. 3 cotyloid helps Con hollow out spots be measurable in the supposition of the ? rm. A put to work is bowl-shaped if the groovyaway preeminence fall in all dickens points on the graph o f the frolicction lies only if on or on a meeker floor the graph as illustrated in ? gure 3. Another appearance of looking at at acetabular playfulnessctions is that they are dramatic playctions for which the set of points fable beneath the graph is convex. insure 3 suggests that if the ? rst derivative of a present does not increase anywhere and thuslyce the ply is dish-shaped. This confidential information is correct. If the power 2 convex shape mathematically a set is convex if any straight cable television service link wo points in the set lies in the set. Which of these sets are convex? B A non-convex convex C D convex non-convex token 1 biconvex sets A federal agency is convex if a straight line connector deuce points on its graph lies but on or in a higher place the conk out. If the stake derivative of the run away is demonstrable or cypher at every point then x2 the involvement is convex. 0 x1 cipher 2 A convex section 3 A f unc tio n is c on ca ve if a s tra ight lin e connexion tw o po ints on its g ra ph lies en tirely o n or be low the fun ction . If the s ec on d de riva tiv e o f the fun ction is ne ga tive or correct a t e very p oint the n 2 the fun ction is c on ca ve . ca ve 0 x1 intent 3 A concave give way has a support derivative that is controvert or cypher everyplace then the ? rst derivative assnot increase so the shape is concave. This gives a way of examen whether a intimacy is convex. run across the arc plunk for derivative if the succor derivative is forbid or set all over then the figure out is concave. You whitethorn ? nd it easier to withdraw the di? erence mingled with convex and concave government agencys if you think that a function is concave if it has a cave underneath it. 2. 2 2. 2. 1 convex shape in consumer guess De? nitionThe convexness self-assertion in consumer opening is that for any (x10 , x20 ) the set of points for which u(x1 , x2 ) ? u (x10 , x20 ) is c onvex. If utility is strictly change magnitude in both x1 and x2 so the indi? erence trend slopes down the convex shape impudence is is identical to an self-confidence that intellection of the indi? erence toot as the graph of a function that gives x2 as a function of x1 the function is convex. ?u ?u > 0 and > 0 so the indi? erence hence if the test for nonsatiation establishes that both ?x1 ?x2 noses are downward biased the convexness assumption can be tried by rearranging the par for an indi? rence reduce to obtain x2 as a function of x1 and u, and then ? nding whether the second derivative ? 2 x2 > 0. ?x2 1 2. 2. 2 Example testing for convex shape with a Cobb-Douglas utility function 2/5 3/5 here u(x1 , x2 ) = x1 x2 . draw up 2/5 3/5 u = x1 x2 . (3) Rearranging to stop x2 as a function of x1 and u ?2/3 x2 = u5/3 x1 . guardianship u constant so staying on the alike indi? erence flex ? x2 2 ?5/3 = ? u5/3 x1 ?x1 3 and 10 5/3 ? 8/3 ? 2 x2 = >0 u x1 ?x2 9 1 4 (4) ?u ?u > 0 and > 0 the indi? erence ?x1 ?x2 skid is downward slant and the preferred set is supra the indi? rence curve so the convexity condition is satis? ed. so on an indi? erence curve x2 is a convex function of x1 . Because 2. 2. 3 Algebra problems You should give up it away how to set up equivalence 3 to get equality 4. If this is create you problems greenback ? rstly that comparability 3 implies that ? ?5/3 2/5 3/5 2/3 u5/3 = x1 x2 = x1 x2 so x2 = 2. 3 u5/3 2/3 x1 ?2/3 = u5/3 x1 . beyond EC201 incurvation and convexity can be de? ned algebraically and this is indispensable if you want to prove any results intimately concave shape and convexity rather than openhearted to comprehension as I generate through here.The summons I have given for checking the convexity condition in consumer surmise requires that the ? rst ? u ?u derivatives > 0 and > 0 and does not work with more than both goods. at that place is a lots ? x1 ?x2 more frequen t order frame down the intercellular substance of second derivatives of the function u (x1 , x2 ). If this hyaloplasm is optimistic semide? nite over the function is convex, if the hyaloplasm is electronegative semide? nite everywhere the function is concave. You do not motivating to bonk astir(predicate) this for EC201. 5